Why is there an orchard here?
Maria Maelstrom




Language isn’t universal – it’s subjective and personal. The writer and the reader meet on common ground for just a moment, where the ideal outcome is understanding. Nuance, voice, inflection and timing are a delicate construction in the space between intention and comprehension. We use the same words to mean different things.

What, then, is language? It is a flexible, dependable tool to close the gap between thinker and reader (or listener) with endless room for interpretation.

Tending an orchard isn’t so different. We gauge how this branch reaches for sunlight and remove obstructions. We supplement soil with clarifications. We pick and carefully package the gems that grow, and hungry minds devour them. It is, in this respect, a sacred sort of work.

About me

“We tell ourselves stories in order to live,” wrote Joan Didion in The White Album. “We live entirely, especially if we are writers, by the imposition of a narrative line upon disparate images, by the “ideas” with which we have learned to freeze the shifting phantasmagoria which is our actual experience.” I have been a writer all my life, seeing new ways of understanding my world and the worlds of others. I take special pleasure in helping others express their stories, whether that’s in a business or creative setting.

I started asking hard questions as a child, and I haven’t stopped. Over the years, though, I’ve honed this skill to ask the right questions to get to the right solution.

I’m an unapologetic book nerd and a storyteller, with an aptitude for obeying or disobeying convention, and reaching audiences on their own terms. I grew up mostly in Northern Colorado, where I still live at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

To learn more about me or my services, contact me!